What Should You Do About Intermittent Car Trouble?

If you find yourself making weird noises or feeling weird every now and then, you can help your mechanic to get to the bottom of your problem without spending a fortune first. These tips will help you to simplify the diagnostic process and increase the odds that your issue will be solved quickly and correctly. Try to Reproduce the Problem It can be frustrating when your car runs beautifully one minute and terribly the next, but problems that come and go give mechanics little information to work with. Read More 

Follow Your Nose To The Auto Repair Shop: 3 Car Smells That Spell Trouble

Detecting potential problems in your car, truck, or RV isn't just a job for your eyes and ears — it may also require you to use your nose. The "new car smell" and other artificial scents used to freshen a vehicle's cabin may be pleasant, but you'll learn a lot more from the unpleasant odors your car might be emitting. Here are four telltale signs of car problems that you can troubleshoot through your sense of smell. Read More 

Paintless Dent Repair? How Does It Work?

Nothing is more frustrating than finding a dent on your car, especially if it happened when you weren't around. Bodywork can be expensive and can take a long time to complete. Fortunately, you have the option of a paintless dent repair to fix those imperfections on your vehicle. The following are some things you should know if you are thinking about paintless dent repair: How Does Painless Dent Repair Work? Read More 

Important Questions To Ask When You Are Looking To Hire A Valet Parking Management Service

There are a number of reasons why you may be looking to hire a valet parking management service. You may be hosting a wedding or corporate event in an area that does not have a lot of accessible parking. Or you may be holding a large birthday party or baby shower at your home and you want to ensure your guests can easily park their vehicle without disturbing your neighbors. A valet parking service can park cars for your guests. Read More 

Tips To Help You Care For And Protect Your Diesel Engine Vehicle

A diesel engine, whether it is in a truck, car, van, or semi, will provide you with a greater source of power. But a diesel engine has different requirements than a gasoline-powered engine. Here are some tips to help you take proper care of your vehicle's diesel engine. Watch the Temperature When the temperature outside falls to freezing and below, you need to take some extra care to protect your diesel engine. Read More