What Kind Of Auto Repairs Should I Not Perform Myself?

Even for the most experienced shade-tree mechanic, there are some auto repairs that are either too nuanced or too dangerous to perform without the right equipment and training. It can be hard to determine when you should call a professional — before you're standing in the middle of a job that is completely overwhelming, at least — so here are some circumstances that definitely warrant an expert's touch. 1. Timing Belt Read More 

Summer Tires: What You Need To Know

As the temperatures heat up during the summer, it can create challenges for your vehicle, as your vehicle may find it harder to gain traction and maintain control on the road. If you opt to replace your tires with some that are meant for the summertime, though, you may be in a better position to experience a safer driving season. Here are a few things that you need to know to about summer tires and why they can benefit you during the summer. Read More 

Top Signs Your Truck Needs A Repair

Using your truck each day is vital. You'll want to rely on this vehicle to help you get you where you need to go. However, if you start experiencing some issues with this automobile, you'll want to get these fixed swiftly. Knowing the top indications your truck may need to visit the auto shop may be ideal. 1. Difficulty starting If you're like most people, you want to get in your vehicle and have it start with ease. Read More 

3 Factors That Impact Whether A Tire Repair Is Advisable

Have you ever had a flat tire on your vehicle? If so, you may have relied on a repair shop to fix the affected tire. Perhaps this is a recent event, and you have the damaged tire in your trunk while temporarily driving on a spare tire. You may wonder if you will need to purchase a new tire. A tire repair could fix the damaged tire and save you the expense of buying a new one. Read More 

2 Things Your Car’s Brake Pedal Can Tell You About Your Brakes

While you are driving, the ability of your brakes to stop your car is just as important as the engine's ability to make it go. However, sometimes it can be difficult to pick up on problems with your brakes until you notice increased difficulty with slowing down and stopping. Fortunately, there are a couple of things your brake pedal can tell you about the condition of your braking system that can alert you to potentially serious issues. Read More