Everything You Should Know About Faulty Braking Systems

Your vehicle should give you some feedback when you step on the brake pedal. Typically, you will feel the car push back on the pedal when you press it down, and the force on your foot is what brings the car to a stop. However, when your vehicle has a problem with the braking system, you might feel like you have stepped onto a sponge instead. If this is the case, here is everything you should know about the causes of springy brakes and how to resolve the problem.

How to Tell if Your Vehicle Has a Problem

The first way to tell if you have an issue is when the pedal continues sinking when you apply the brakes instead of pushing back against the foot. This indicates that the vehicle cannot hold the brake pressure. Another issue occurs when the brake warning light appears on the dashboard, indicating immediate repairs. Thirdly, you might notice that you have to pump the pedal or push it down repeatedly to get the vehicle to feel the pressure and respond. Note that some brake issues indicate that the car's master cylinder is damaged and brake fluid is leaking.

Other Reasons This Might Happen

It is also crucial to understand other causes of sponginess. Note that you might have air inside the brake lines because of low brake fluid, causing sponginess. Moreover, low brake fluid causes sponginess because it doesn't create the needed pressure to stop the vehicle. You might also have a leaking or damaged brake line or a wrecked caliper. The other issues that a professional can diagnose include problems with the ABS modulator and problems with the rear brake shoes. In some cases, the brake booster might fail and create a series of complications affecting the entire system.

How the Professional Fixes Them

It is good to take the vehicle to an auto mechanic immediately after noticing issues with the brakes. This is because the last thing you want is to drive around in a car you can't stop or slow down when you need it most. In such cases, the expert will check the pedal to ensure the sponginess is not connected to pressure imbalances. They will also assess the brake cylinder to ensure the car isn't leaking fluid. Finally, they will flush the brakes to remove any air that has entered the system.

Working brakes are your first line of defense during road emergencies. Hence, one of the most important things to do is to visit the auto service and have them assess your vehicle if you have been experiencing brake sponginess. They will determine the problem and offer the best solution. For more information on car care, contact a company near you.
